Hobby Farming
It's not a vegetable garden, and it's not a large cornfield, but to you it’s big and you enjoy taking undeveloped land and turning it into an organic or conventional method farm operation. You may earn money from it, but it is not your primary source of income. You raise crops, or animals or both, but the farm is yours and you have a passion for every part of it. You are a good steward of the land. It’s your small but special working farm, and tractors play a big role in helping you get the most out of it. You are a hobby farmer.

RK Tractors, attachments and implements can help you through the entire crop cycle, from tillage to harvest. We proudly offer a complete line of 3-pt. equipment, including rotary tillers, seed and fertilizer spreaders, cultivators and disc harrows. All part of a full range of quality implements, each is performance matched with the RK Tractor horsepower family best suited for the job. RK Tractors, attachments and implements can help you realize the goals you have set for your working hobby farm.
*See bottom of homepage for details.
***All prices are subject to change without notice and do not include taxes (specifically including local sales taxes which may vary by location) or delivery fee, if applicable. RK Tractors disclaims all representations and warranties, express or implied (including any warranty of accuracy), from use of this configurator or content provided as part of it. For complete warranty, safety and product information on RK Tractors, see your local RK Tractor location and review the operator's manual provided with purchase. Offers subject to availability, and all prices shown in U.S. dollars. Consult your local RK Tractor location for details.